

厦门安防科技职业学院创建于2004年,是一所经福建省人民政府批准,国家教育部备案的全日制普通高等院校。 学校坐落于厦门市翔安区文教园,地理位置优越,与厦门大学翔安校区、厦门大学附属翔安医院、拟新建的翔安区委区政府、翔安新城为邻,距离全国第一条海底隧道——翔安隧道和在建的厦门翔安大嶝国际机场仅5公里,紧临厦门地铁3号、4号线地铁口,是莘莘学子理想的求学之地。 校园占地面积580亩,建筑面积14万㎡,教学楼群、实训基地、图书馆、运动场、体育馆、行政办公楼、学生公寓楼群、教工公寓楼、食堂等基础设施配套齐全。 学校实行董事会领导下的校长负责制,依法治校,专家治校。设立党政办、教务处、学生处、团委、图书馆等14个职能部门。现有在校生4000余人,教职工近300人。 学校设立教育传媒学院、航空旅游学院、软件设计学院、体育商学院、智能技术学院、基础教育学院、马克思主义学院。开设建筑智能化工程技术(楼宇智能化)、消防工程技术、空中乘务、软件技术、社会体育、护理等28个高职专业。其中国家级骨干专业群1个,省级示范专业2个、省级创新创业教育改革试点专业2个,市级重点专业1个,市级现代学徒制试点专业1个,省级精品资源共享课三门。 学校以立德树人为根本,以服务发展为宗旨,以促进就业为导向,走内涵式发展道路,大力推进产教融合、校企合作,建成了涵盖25个高职专业的实验实训室28间,与厦门特房建工集团、上海浦东国际机场、上海虹桥国际机场、厦门机场、厦门地铁、厦门烟草、厦门大学附属翔安医院、厦门市莲花医院、厦门工人文化宫、厦门市小金星国际教育集团、厦门欢乐飞无人机科技有限公司、福建英剑集团、澳大利亚思比科集团等30多家单位建立了紧密合作型校外实训基地,现有校外实训基地30多个。 学校将继续坚持“务实创新、德育为先、注重技能培养”的办学理念,紧抓“一带一路”的发展契机,为社会主义建设培养合格的接班人和高素质技术技能人才。 XiamenSecurity Science and Technology College was founded in 2004. It is a full-timeinstitution of higher learning approved by the Fujian Provincial people'sGovernment and registered by the Ministry of Education. Our college is located in the Cultural Parkof Xiangan district in Xiamen. It is adjacent to the Xiangan campus of Xiamen University,the Xiangan Hospital affiliated to Xiamen University, the Xiangan District CommitteeGovernment, and the Xiangan New City. It is only 5 kilometers distance to the XianganTunnel, and the Xiamen Xiangan Dadeng International Airport which is underconstruction. Also, it is near the subway entrance of Xiamen Metro line 3 andline 4.It is an ideal place for students to study with good location. The campus covers an area of 580 mu, with aconstruction area of 140,000 square meters. It has a complete set of teachingbuildings, training bases, library, sports grounds, gymnasiums, administrativeoffice buildings, student apartment buildings, faculty apartment buildings,canteens and other basic facilities. Our college implements the principalresponsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors, whichgoverns the school by law and by experts. It has set up 14 functionaldepartments, such as Party and Administration office, Academic Affairs Office,Student Affairs Office, Youth League Committee and library. Up to now, it hasmore than 4,000 students, and nearly 300 staff. Xiamen SecurityScience and Technology College hasestablished the Secondary Academies of Education and Media, Aviation andTourism, Software Design, Sports Business, Intelligent Technology, Basic Educationand Marxism. There are 28 vocational majors available, such as intelligentbuilding engineering technology (intelligent building), fire engineeringtechnology, air crew, software technology, social sports and nursing. Amongthem, there is 1 state-level backbone major group, 2 provincial-leveldemonstration majors, 2 provincial-level pilot majors of innovation andEntrepreneurship Education reform, 1 municipal-level key major, 1 municipal-levelpilot major of modern apprenticeship, and 3 provincial-level sharing courseswith high-quality resource. With moral education as its foundation,service and development as its purpose, and employment promotion as itsguidance, Xiamen Security Science and Technology College has taken the road ofconnotative development, vigorous promotion the integration of industry andeducation, and school-enterprise cooperation. The school will continue toadhere to the school philosophy of "pragmatic and innovation, moraleducation first, pay attention to skill training", firmly grasp the developmentopportunity of "One Belt And One Road", and train qualifiedsuccessors and high-quality technical skilled talents for socialistconstruction.
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